Tips and Suggestions

To make sure you get exactly what you need as efficiently as possible, we have some tips and suggestions to help with the ordering process.

When making your initial RFQ (request for quote) for your project, think about the following variables and try and communicate exactly where your project falls within them, even if you think it is obvious. For example:

  • Is your project for a video? If so, send a link to stream the video so we can see how involved the syncing process will be. This not only affects your quote, but also cuts down on the email back-and-forth required to gather all materials for an accurate quote.

  • Do you have a specific budget you need to stay within? Some projects have the luxury of being able to review many talents in all budget ranges and pick the voice that best fits; other projects start out with a defined budget that cannot be exceeded — if we know that this is the case, we are able to quickly concentrate our efforts on talent who can work in your budget range, providing you a fast quote for your project without wasting anyone’s time presenting voices that will not be considered.

  • What are the editing requirements for the project? Do you need us to cut the audio we record into multiple, individually-named audio files? If so, how many? How are they named?

  • If your project specifically requires a Male voice or a Female voice, this information is critical! It may seem obvious in the context of your project, but making this explicit to us saves time for sure.

  • Finally, if you do have a working script — even if it is not a final or even a translated version — send it along so that we have a better idea of the materials we will be working should the project goes forward. This may impact your quote.

The bottom line is that we aim to please, and you can help us help you get exactly what you need quickly and painlessly by laying it all out at the beginning.